Showing 5 Result(s)

Mini Mermaid Me!

I am so excited to have started another new adventure. Earlier this year I was approached and asked to make 3 ceramic mermaids for a customer to hang on her wall. She wanted them to all look different and have different characters. I love a challenge so took on this commission. This involved me using …

The C Word…

Is it too early to mention CHRISTMAS??? I don’t think it is as my Christmas stock is starting to sell and I am up to my eyeballs in hand painting nativity characters on pebbles to keep up with the demand! So in light of it soon(ish) being the ‘Festive Season’ here are some of the …

Celebrating ‘Bootiful Norfolk’

It’s been a busy time in the world of ‘Pretty Little Products’. My hand painted framed pebbles are proving to be very popular and I’m really enjoying trying out new designs ready for my next Pop Up Shop. I have also been working on some commission pieces which is fun. I will be hosting a …

New Adventures

Hi! So sorry this blog post has been so long in coming, but the World has gone a little crazy hasn’t it? Hope you are all keeping well and coping in these strange times. I have found it really helpful and rather therapeutic to immerse myself in my art during the last year. I have …