Mini Mermaid Me!

I am so excited to have started another new adventure. Earlier this year I was approached and asked to make 3 ceramic mermaids for a customer to hang on her wall. She wanted them to all look different and have different characters. I love a challenge so took on this commission.

This involved me using a new technique and a fair bit of learning as I went along! I started by making a wire armature to make the skeleton of each mermaid then I fleshed them out using chicken wire and foil. Once the body of the mermaid is ready I use polymer clay to add the skin, features and any additions to the model. This clay is great because it can be fired in an oven and can be painted with acrylic paint.

When my mermaid has been ‘cooked’ I paint her with acrylic paint and then varnish her with diamond hard varnish. Finally I add a hanging hook on the back.

From this commission ‘Mini Mermaid Me!’ was born. A fellow wild swimmer saw the mermaids on my social media and asked me to make a mini mermaid that looked like her. We discussed what she would like included. She told me she is part of a Samba group and wanted the mermaid to be in the group’s colours (sparkly turquoise). She also plays the saxophone so asked if her mermaid could be playing the saxophone. Finally she told me that she is well known amongst her friends for loving cake so wanted cake incorporated in her mermaid. I asked the client to send me photographs of herself including her playing the saxophone and doing Samba. Using these images as inspiration I created her mermaid for her.

My next commission was to a make a surprise 50th birthday present for a keen swimmer. The client told me her friend is an environmental architect and so she wanted the mermaid to have a pencil tucked behind her ear and to be carrying a large bunch of flowers. The client sent me photographs of her friend so I could make the mermaid in her likeness.

If you would be interested in commissioning your own mermaid or one as a unique gift for a friend or loved one please get in touch!

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